Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tubular Tuesday Night

TFB Movie night moved to Tuesdays. In this edition we have the most famous congenital dwarf, Weng Weng in this "double 0" action flick, For Your Height Only. It's a funny movie with some awesome dubbing. There is even a rap video dedication to it.

There was a show at the Hemlock. The first group was called Orb of Confusion. I don't really partake in heavy metal but with a pair of earplugs, it can be quite rocking. They gave out free demo CDs afterwards so it I will probably check them out tomorrow at work.

Above is a blurry version of Lozen from Tacoma, Washington. Again, the heavy metal was rocking. These two girls can really rock. However... I really came to see this band from Okinawa, Japan. Coworker Ed sent me a link and they seemed... interesting. I was pleasantly surprised by the first two bands. Lozen was much better than OoC but I was not fully prepared for Bleach03. I had seen some videos on youtube and knew they were heavy metalish but for some reason, the bassist was not in the video I saw. Awesome. I love surprises.


I had to post that video. These pictures clearly don't get the whole scope of it.

Even this crazy expression falls well short of communicating what was going on.

I came away impressed enough to (borrow money and) buy and album. This will be a welcome addition to the Ipod as I have found myself recently skipping songs saying "no, not rocking enough." I don't want to be put asleep in the car afterall. Speaking of which, it's late again. I have not been getting enough sleep so far this week.

Some Turkey at Tommy's Joynt. Some of it was kinda dry. I think I just stick with juicy Corned Beef from now on. Mmmmmm...

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